
Shu's lips curve to a smile, "It seems like you're interested now?"

"Only because you mentioned Kazuya, tell me...

"Yes. How should I put it? It's not that bad, but when it comes to him, some people may get sensitive. So I wanted to keep this meeting between us."

"You...you are?"

"It may not be a happy topic for you, but, for us, it is important."

She understood the situation even if he didn't repeat himself. She had no idea what motive he had to get close to her, but now she knew a bit about him. Lyn flinched when she saw that he had stood up.

She backs away slightly. Uh oh, what does she do? If Rhys sees her with him again, then he will definitely get angry for sure. The one Rhys seemed to be bothered about the most was this guy, not Reiji.

"Uhh em sorry. I just remembered that I need to help my fiance with something. So I need to go back now."

Shu suddenly pouts, " Eh, what's this? Do you hate me? Did I do something bad?"