Mysterious Letter

Whenever Lyn wears the veil in public - people misunderstand. They all think she is ugly. Nobody would have guessed that Lyn only wears it to hide her beauty. After all these days, why would anybody hide beauty? Those with good looks get very far because of the bias treatment in the Empire.

"I'd rather you wear the veil too," Rhys brushed his hands on Lyn's cheeks, "You've gotten prettier lately. It would be bad if people saw."

Kazuya moved his friend's hands away, noticing Lyn's reaction. He supposes for somebody like Lyn who is not used to receiving compliments - Rhys constant flirting, and words would affect her.

"By the way, Kazuya show Lyn that."


"Don't hmm me, the letter."

Kazuya recalled the letter he received from the other day and pulled it out. Right then Rhys took something out.

"Huh, you as well?"

"Not just me," Rhys looked over at Lyn, "You got one right, Shu said it."