You're here so it's different

-Gardens -

"Do you come to these places often?" Lyn asked.

"Hm? In the past, I did, to take a break. But after I started coming in and out to practice riding, it stopped being a place I could relax --" he sits down on the ground. "Now, I don't come that much anymore. I like the forest outside better."

Still, the one who taught him to like the forest was Kazuya.

"I see."

"Right now, you're here, so it's different, though. Just that is enough."

A strong gust of wind blows then causing the leaf in the surroundings to rustle.

"That's a nice sound," Rhys commented.

Despite the silence between them, the sound of nature seemed to cover up the awkwardness. Indeed, he always gets a different sort of feeling when he's with her. Thinking about it carefully, the two of them have been through quite a lot in his short time back here. Although at the beginning, he had every intention to respect the happy little family and leave it at that.