If only

"If only all this could go on forever."

The sentence that came out of Lyn's mouth after so long of not speaking surprised him.

Almost subconsciously, Rhys answered as he started to place ingredients into a bowl. The knot in his heart released, or is it because he could no longer see it anymore? Rhys didn't know, but all he knew was he wanted to say something, anything. It took a while, but he finally said her name. "Lyn."


Before he could say anything, though, he spotted movement within the trees from the window. His gaze dimmed. Tsk. " Lyn, stay here for a bit."

The black-haired girl sighs. " Sometimes it really feels like you take me as an idiot Rhys." Huh? She continues. "..It seems like Shioka is here for a different purpose aside from me today. Perhaps he's going to tell you about that."

Rhys froze, she...has she been meeting with him?
