Love Struck Fool

At that comment, Rhys frowned. Rumors? Is it about Lyn again? Sure the initially planned banquet ended up as a mess. But that wasn't Lyn's fault. Lyn worked very hard and practiced for the play, even if it meant playing into her sister's palm. Princess Lethia isn't at fault this time. At least according to the second Prince investigation. The First Princess intended to humiliate Lyn at the banquet - so naturally, she couldn't be the attacker. But, that's what made this whole thing worse. If it weren't the First Princess, then that meant it must be that ex knight of Lyn's who holds a grudge.

"The rumors of you being a love-struck fool."

At that comment, Rhys frowned, "What do you mean?"

"People say that these days you don't play around anymore, because your quote head over heels in love with the Princess."