I like you a lot

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - Princess Lyn's Chambers -

She could get used to looking at Kazuya like this. He's very handsome and doesn't look like an idiot when his mouth is clouded. Lyn stared at Kazuya, who was fast asleep on her bed. She placed her hand on her forehead that Rhys kissed moments ago. 'I'll leave you two alone tonight, but from tomorrow onwards. I won't let you get any peace.' She wondered if this was the right decision. Maybe she should have just allowed things to continue that way. But, if she did that, then Rhys would get hurt. She supposed there really is no simple solution to this whole love thing.

Lyn made her mind up though and climbed on top of Kazuya, as she gently kissed his lips. "My Lyn," Kazuya said, half-dazed, "Why are you attacking me in my sleep?"

"I just wanted to try it," she mumbled.

Kazuya smiled, "Okay, then I'll sleep again so you can try more."

"I obviously can't do anything now that you know."