Prince Andrew P5

Andrew did not even want to hear the end of that sentence. He of all people knew better what loneliness and solitude is. So, instead he changed the subject. Or rather returned the subject to what it was before. "Were you the only one who witnessed her using it?"

Ikki paused and sighed, "Prince Andrew, at that time anybody could have been walking by. The forest is a large area after all. Princess Lyn isn't exactly subtle about her practices. The townsfolk are already spreading rumors that there is some high ability person practicing magic there."

'How careless.' Andrew thought.

"Hey Ikki, do you have an umbrella - it's pouring it out--" the young man who just entered the shop froze. Of course he would, it was none other than Kazuya.

"Uh, I wasn't here."

Kotaro however stood up and grabbed him. A devilish smile appeared on his face, "Of course you're here dear brother in law."

"Uh...wait wait."