I've had enough

Kazuya sighed and reached over to gently kiss her lips, "I am jealous about Rhys, but that's not why I was avoiding you. I'll do anything to keep you safe so.."

"Dummy, I told you not to get involved.."

Kazuya however only continued to laugh, until they hear somebody call her name. It was Rhys, ah…

"I have to go now Lyn, but I'll be in the training grounds all day, you can drop by."

"Um wait, it's not what you think…"

He reached over and ruffled her hair, "I trust you, don't worry."

Lyn gave him a light kiss on the cheek before she walked off. It didn't take her long before she reached where Rhys was, she immediately hit him, but Rhys caught her hands.

"You did that on purpose."


Jerk… Her thoughts broke off when she felt Rhys gently caress her hands, "You have to stop being so violent, your pretty hands will get hurt."

"...What's for lunch?"

Rhys lips curved to a smile, "Something nice."