Since that day

Since that day, the little girl named Lyn had been dropping by to see him often. Though she was already doing that before, something had changed now. The girl was always buried in the book. Once in a while, she would ask him questions. Knowing the teachings of the Junlan church, though, he made the girl promise him not to show the books he lent her in public. It's not like they forbid using blood for magic- it's traditional, old magic. However, Arthur had observed how they treated the child. While they tried to hide it, Arthur could tell that she was a special disciple.

Arthur understood why they weren't telling him anything. It made sense if you thought about it. It doesn't change the fact that he is an outsider. 'Junlan church will help hide you for a while. But they will not interfere if those people find you.' A deep sigh escaped his lips. Of course, they won't interfere; the members of Junlan church uphold traditional values.