I'm just curious

Year 4014 Mist Kingdom - Town- 

'My power takes away precious things from people. The target doesn't even realize it's lost. But it is, and they can never get it back. It's crueler than taking their lives. It truly is the worst power. '

'I know you have doubts. Deep inside your heart, there's a huge burden.'

'That is correct. But why are you so interested?'

'I just wanted to comfort you.'

If he didn't make that silly remark in the end, perhaps she really would have reconsidered her opinion of him. After all, Rhys did not look at her with disgust when she cried about her powers; nor did he scorn her in any way. There's no way she can trust that guy. That's certainly the last time she is opening up for him. Why does she always get so exhausted around him? She only met him yesterday, but already he was gradually driving her crazy. She really doesn't understand these type of feelings.