Issues in the shadows

Lyn thought she was being stealthy about sneaking back in. How hard could it be? Everybody should be fast asleep right now. Before she left, there was a little party, and everybody got drunk. So, when she saw Rhys leaning on the doorframe of the back entrance, Lyn froze.3 'Busted.' Lyn thought. While she knew that he of all people would be the hardest to trick. Rhys was very drunk too.

She tried to be casual as she walked over, but naturally, that calmness was a facade. Lyn felt her face became sweaty in seconds. Rhys grabbed hold of her hand, and she froze. Calm down, take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for sneaking out."

First, an apology, then everything else can come next.

"But, I didn't have much of a choice."

This was true, with the way Shioka forcibly dragged her out. She didn't have much of a choice.

"Shioka told me to come with him. But I said I'd come back because I'm worried about you."

Next, flatter him.