Long time no see

Should she go over? If she doesn't greet him, it would be far too strange. Still, uhh.. As Lyn racked her head over whether she ought to go, her eyes meet her brothers. He seemed surprised, but his gaze softened. Her eyes brightened, is he in a good mood? Lyn walked over immediately, "Eldest brother!"

Andrew hugged her lightly, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"I hate these gatherings, brother; it's boring."

He chuckled, "Indeed, there is nothing exciting about these things at all."

"Brother, you don't like it too?"

"I don't," Andrew trailed off. "Lyn, come with me for a moment."

Sensing his sudden seriousness, Lyn let's go of him. Did something happen? Instead of asking, she simply nodded and followed her brother out of the ballroom. At first, she followed behind him.

"Lyn, I've already told you this before. But do not walk behind me like a dog."

"Oh, uh, okay."

Lyn casually hurried over to his side. "Big brother, say.."