
"Master, I don't understand."

Ralph chuckled, "That's fine. Since it's you, you'll understand in due time. Now then," he took something out of his pocket. "Care to do this quick job for me?"

Lyn looked at the piece of paper and sighed, "Master, why are you always so lazy?"

"Now, now, this is for your own good. You want to broaden your experiences, right? Getting more experience using your blade will help."

"You're sending me out despite knowing my condition. I don't know whether I ought to praise you or not."

"Indeed, but this is yet another trial. Relax, this shouldn't be too dangerous. I'd never give you a job that will get you killed."

Lyn looked at him, dumbfounded. What a liar! Doesn't he remember how the last job, the Snow Kingdom one ended up?
