Mystery of Junlan Church P1

Lately she's been thinking of confinding in Allen more. But, 'You should talk to Kazuya about this first.' A deep sigh passed her lips, what a foolish man. Even though she is giving him a chance, why on earth is he acting this way? What a contradictory person.

The doctor had promised that her morning sickness would subside after awhile. He was a freaking liar. This was the worst she had felt during her whole pregnancy.

Lyn laid in her bed, curled under her blanket. She hated feeling like this, so weak and terrible. Tears fell from her eyes at a rapid rate, this is the first time she felt so bad though. She's never felt like this.

She took a deep breath and took out her messenger crystal. "Rhys?" she called out.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you still at the market? I feel really nautious."

"Wait, I'll be there soon. Nautious? I'll buy some of that."

"Rhys, can you hurry back please...."

"I'll ask somebody else to buy it."
