Glass Treasure Part 1

So they boarded the long carriage. But, Rhys still had his doubts about this whole thing. Meanwhile Lyn? She is acting as carefree as ever.

"I want that one, that one and that one," Lyn pointed to the food.

The girl was currently ordering so much food. She's definitely drawing too much attention to herself. Then again, this must be the first time she's ever boarded a long carriage; much or less eat common food. Rhys could remember being the same as her. When he first took a step outside the elite world, the world outside seemed so very vibrant and beautiful — a place filled with all sorts of things he had never seen before. As an elite prince, any new food was tasted for him; the books in the library are books on becoming rulers, and the internet is limited only to certain things in a world that is supposedly filled with countless things to do. Rhys was always bored.