Glass Treasure P3

Lyn wakes up startled in the middle of the night. She wakes up feeling a heavyweight on her body when Lyn opened her eyes; she saw a shocking sight. It was Rhys, of course, but something was different, he had her hands pinned upwards.

"Huh, you woke up?" Rhys mumbled.

She slowly nodded her head and realized that Rhys didn't intend to let her ho.

"Rhys, what is this supposed to be?"

"Hm? What does it look like? I'm thinking of ways to tie you up," Rhys took something out that looked like a blindfold and rope.

"Dummy, I can see that, but I'm asking for the reason why," she questioned. Her tone filled with uncertainty. What is he up to now? He seemed just fine right before she fell asleep.