353- Soliders know fraud

After his conversation with Rhys, Kazuya tried to get some sleep. The only reason he came here was to search for Lyn, anyway..

As Kazuya walked around, he found himself purged into deep thoughts. Even though he knew Lyn was safe and sound now. He still regretted what had happened.

He truly is sorry; he could not keep his word. He said, 'until the day comes, I will protect you.' Kazuya heard the full story from the others, and although he was surprised. He figured as much. From the start, the knights of order since coming to the castle seemed to be completely unedge. So one of the knights who were tortured ended up turning against Lyn and is most likely perpetrator of the attacks. What a complicated situation, but indeed it isn't something they could easily broadcast out loud. After all, it would place suspicion on all knights of order from any side.

Even though Kazuya had his suspicions, he couldn't act on it. How could he?