Fiance or wife?

Grand Hall -7:00PM

Lyn disliked these places a great deal, that's why she avoided them. After the last ball, Lyn didn't want to go to another one so soon. What's more, Cassandra's words before she left.

'Please remember that even if you see people, you are familiar with. Do not approach them recklessly.'

Approach them recklessly?

Like she was even on good terms with the familiar people here. From where she and brother were, Lyn could spot people she knew. Reiji and Shu are here, even Prince Zenith. What is with this peculiar gathering? Something must larger must be brewing for such prominent figures to appear. Lyn noted how they were all dressed in formal attire.

Everybody here is representing their country. She's a bit nervous. Zepher squeezed her hands, "You okay?"

"I'll be alright."