Missing Knight


Then again, it's hard to explain anything to her brother. He always overreacts. But, that person is similar to her, Kazuya and Rhys. He is the same as anybody who has insecurities.  Lyn caressed Kazuya's cheeks, she wonders if it really is wrong for her to stand by Kazuya's side. Indeed, there are a lot of people who care about her. Those who have even told her that they loved her. However, she doesn't feel this way towards them. For her it will always be Kazuya.


Ah there it is, she spotted it behind the couch on the table and proceeded to get it when Kazuya's arms suddenly pulled her onto the couch. Uwaa, that really did catch her off guard. Rather that's some precise reaching over.  He's hugging her…even though it's only one arm… her heart is beating frantically. She spies his facial expression, he isn't even awake either. Indeed despite such an action he was sleeping so very peacefully.

It's suddenly become warm.