Can no longer live without you

Lyn felt conflicted whenever she thought of it this way. Her eldest sister is using fear to control people. She knows everybody is afraid of her, afraid of the power she wields as the First Princess. Eldest sister is taking advantage of that. The frown on her face increased. Why? Why would her sister do something like that? Even if she dislikes people who are not in the same class as her, it does not mean she can treat them as tools.

Eldest brother Andrew may act haughty. However, he cares for his people. He is clumsy at expressing himself, but he cares. He will not disregard a life so easily. On the other hand, her eldest sister will not hesitate using others' lives to save her own.

They are all siblings and share Mother's blood. So, why does her sister act that way? Even Mother does not behave disgracefully. Despite those bad rumors about her, everybody acknowledges that her mother is a good ruler.