Drop of Blue Ink Part 2

After Lyn struggled with it again by herself, she grew increasingly restless. Watching Rhys relax made her grow even more frustrated.

"Even though he's smarter than me, he holds himself back like an idiot. Maybe all this holding back has actually made him stupid. I mean, he talks more with his fists than words… I can't believe he beat somebody else up in public like that…"

"Heh... You talk alot.."

Lyn realized what she ended up saying and covered her mouth. Oops... she was saying what she was thinking out loud...! Uh oh, this is bad. Stupid big mouth, why didn't she keep quiet?


"It-it's nothing now!"

The girl tried to make her escape, yet he grabbed hold of her arm, "Hmm. You're lying. Did I hear correctly? You were saying bad things about me."