Please don't make it hard for me


Sure enough, Rhys nodded and confirmed her suspicions. "We've always suspected you Lyn. I say we, but it's just me and the others. From the moment we met, I realized there was something of about you. You claimed to be inexperienced fighting. However, when we trained together you occasionally slipped up. I realized after it happened several times that you did that on purpose. You wanted me to confirm that you're a spy."


"Did you think it would be better if somebody you knew ratted you out?"

Lyn shook her head, "No, it's nothing grand like that. I just wanted you to understand …"

"Understand what? What were you thinking? Why did you continue this dammed thing, anyway?"


"Damn it," Rhys cursed and slammed the wall behind her. "Lyn, stopping you is impossible. But don't do anything without informing me."

"Eh? But…"

"I already know everything to this point anyway."