Where do people find happiness?

Where do people find happiness? In a place where hardship doesn't exist? But, does a place like that truly exist? In a world as twisted as the empire?

What would you keep and what would you abandon?

Something like 'no hardship' does not exist in this world. People will always suffer, cause pain, grieve. You cannot rid yourself of those emotions, no matter what happens.

But if you do, if you do try.

You must abandon something.

Even if that something is the person who is most dear to you, Lyn knew the time would come where she would have to sacrifice absolutely everything she cared about. Her thoughts broke off when she hears a gorgeous sounding melody. At first, Lyn thought she imagined things, why would she hear a melody here of all times? But, there was no doubt what she heard.

Ah, this is....a love song.

Up until now, she never knew she listened to love songs.