No need

"There is no need for you to make sense of them," Rhys muttered. "The one you love is Kazuya, that has not changed."

"Alright," Lyn nodded. "But if I were to choose you over Kazuya, would you reject me?"

Huh? Choose him over Kazuya? Rhys never thought of that possibility before. After all, Rhys saw it with his own eyes, how perfect they are together. Is she serious? Or is she messing with him? No, Lyn wouldn't joke about this. Rhys looked at her indeed to confirm her thoughts; she wore a determined expression.

"Then, I would accept you. But keep in mind I won't take you if you're using me only because you're lonely. Kazuya is always wandering off, and I spend more time with you. I don't want you to blame him for leaving him and fall for me over a superficial reason."

Lyn sighed, "I do get that. I admit I am lonely, and your presence comforts me. But Rhys, you can't blame me."