

Despite what it looked like Rhys felt guilty whenever he thought of snatching Lyn away from Kazuya. Such a thought only crossed his mind briefly though. Rhys knew he would not succeeded in getting Lyn. He can seduce her all he wants, and go on small dates with her. However, the one Lyn loves is Kazuya and Kazuya alone.

Rhys thoughts broke off when Lyn caressed his cheeks. "I understand what your thinking Rhys. But, right now just focus on me, focus on this moment. It's strange, but I feel like something bad will happen soon. I want to make some more memories with you before that happens," Lyn's tender tone and expression alongside her warm hands made Rhys feel lighter. The heavy weight he felt seemed to vanish.

"You really wanted to go on a date with me huh?"

"Take it as you wish," she muttered.

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "Yeah, I will."

Lyn laughed, "Will you let me go?"