None of this was your fault


Lyn never wanted this to happen. She never wanted the people she cares about to get hurt. Is this because she hid her power? Because she - did something like that, people felt the need to protect her. They felt the need to protect her and got hurt in the process. This is her fault, for hiding it. "Rhys, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize," he mumbled against her cheek. "None of this was your fault, okay?"

He tried to reassure her but Lyn saw how he struggled to even speak. It pained her watching him. He was still trying to remain strong to reassure her, he was still trying to act tough. Rhys knows she will blame herself for this, she is already blaming herself heavily. That's why he is trying to show her that he isn't hurt. But, she is no fool. She can see with her own eyes that he is injured.

None of this was her fault? Like she can believe that excuse.


Several screams resounded in the air. A blood churning scream.