Unfair for him


After he brought her back to her room, Rhys was reading in his room when Lyn asked him to sleep with him tonight. At first Rhys thought Lyn was finally becoming honest, but it seems that wasn't the case here.

Once he finished listening to the girls story, he was dumb struck with what he just heard, "A ghost?" Rhys said.

A sixteen year old princess talking about ghosts; right, he's pretty sure his eyes are just playing tricks on him.


At that comment he turned on his heel to leave, muttering ' stupid' under his breath. What on earth is she thinking? Calling him over for something like that. Just as he was about to turn on his heel to leave however. Lyn reached over and tugged on the edge of his clothing, seeing her desperate face. Rhys turned around.

'Why does she look so cute?' It's unfair for him.