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It seems like he does that quite often these days. Freak out around her. Then again, even if he wanted to be normal around her. All his logic flies out of the window whenever he is alone with her. Rhys decided to order some more food for her, "You don't have to eat quickly or hold back. I brought you out to eat because you haven't eaten much lately."

"Ah," Lyn nodded, she agreed with his words. "Lately, I'm helping brother Zepher out with his work."

"Huh? But you haven't gone back to his place in awhile."

"Yes, but he sends me some documents over," she explained. "It's very interesting, I didn't know my brother did a lot of internal work with other Kingdoms."

"Make sure you don't tread on thin ice. You know the rules about getting involved with other Kingdoms right?"

"I know," Lyn nodded. "But, I'm not helping out with anything political related. It's just some general events held by the different Kingdoms."