Web Of Lies Part 3


"I can't believe this, why did you enter without knocking?" Lyn had quickly gotten changed. Since she did not have time to dry herself, the clothes ended up sticking to her body. She wrapped a towel around her knowing this would at least help cover her body up. "Are you a pe-"

Rhys interjected and she saw his expression, he looked conflicted. A mixture of annoyance or was it confusion? "What on earth are you talking about? I came here because you called for me?"

"What are you talking about, I didn't call for you."

Rhys sat down on the edge of her bed. "Are you sure? I can show you some evidence."

At that comment, Lyn covered her mouth. It's true she called for help earlier, but she didn't mention any specific names. Could it be that she unconsciously called out Rhys name? It wouldn't be the first time that has happened. But even then, Lyn didn't think he would be able to detect it.