Web Of Lies Part 5



Why is the heat fading?


Rhys opened his eyes to see a pair of almond coloured eyes, watering and filled with relief. "....Beth?" Despite his dazed state he could tell that it was indeed his team member.

He was suddenly hugged in a rather aggressive manner. This girl really doesn't have any feminine qualities at all. "You finally woke up Rhys, what a relief."

Ryys managed to reach over and hit the girls face pushing her away, " The medicine was effective. Are you hungry Rhys?"

He looked at her suspiciously, she is talking way too fast. Rhys knew Beth very well, she only does this when she is nervous. Due to her fast speech, he didn't get a chance to ask what medicine, before she shoved tray a of bamboo rice in front of his face.

"Here this is your favourite food, this should help with your hunger. I'll grill the fish I caught this morning."