Web Of Lies Part 8

Rhys didn't reply to her and walked back over to the mini kitchen. Lyn peeked from her blanket, 'somehow..this is a strange situation.' Why does this person keep appearing before her? Then again, maybe it's just her overthinking everything. Whenever it comes to Rhys, she becomes weird.

With all that's happened lately, Lyn almost forgot about the lockdown. 'What's happening outside?' She wanted to ask Rhys because Kazuya isn't around as much. Kazuya ended up getting hurt when he last went out too. Kazuya, who never gets hurt.

Lyn wanted to go out; she wanted to see with her own eyes. However, they guard her very well. There are no loopholes; she can't escape even if she wanted to. Besides, escaping would mean disrespecting all their efforts.

"Rhys," Lyn called out. "Can you come over here?"

"I feel like you're planning on trapping me again, Princess."

She shook her head, "I just want to hold your hand."

"Not this again.."