Mysterious Jade Part 2

Kazuya gave her strength, but he also causes her to get angry. The reason why he tried to hold her tightly was simply because he was hiding something. After walking for a few minutes, Lyn could no longer feign ignorance. That's why when she saw him staggering, Lyn immediately made him sit down on one of the nearby rocks. It wasn't a comfortable place to sit. But if they walked any longer, than Kazuya would surely collapse. She won't allow anything bad to happen to him.

"Stay still," Lyn instructed as she took out a medical box from her bag. It only had the basic stuff inside, like some healing potions and ointments. Still, it was enough.

"Ah, as expected of you, Lyn. You're clumsy, so you still carry bandages with you."

"Be quiet. I don't want to hear that from you.

"Thank you."