Mysterious Jade Part 4


So the one who brought her back was Rhys right? Judging from Kazuya's state, he wasn't the one who carried her. Now that she thought about it, before she blacked out she thought she heard Rhys frantic voice. 'Lately, he keeps rescuing and appearing before her a lot.' Maybe she does like him. But, her gaze flickered back to Kazuya who was looking at the map sprawl led on the ground. He sat crossed legs with a pen in his hand and a serious expression.

It would be wrong of her to think such things. Maybe Silver is right about her after all. She is faltering. The resolve she built up for so long is fading.

"You keep looking at me, do you still feel sick?" Rhys asked.

Lyn buried her face in the blankets again, but Rhys stood up. He was casually sitting on the window frame with a book in hand, yet he placed the book down.

"Lyn, turn around. I need to check on you."