Ten Centimeters Part 8

Even now, the memory of that blood-stained nightmare from that day remained fresh in her mind. The sound of the massive raindrops, the gloomy grey skies - and the man covered in blood. If she were to be completely honest with herself. One of the main reasons why she accepted that man's hand that day was because of the sight she saw. 'She saw herself in Silver,' and that's why…

Lyn watched as Ralph grabbed a glass of water from the bedside table and passed it to her.

"Thank you," Lyn mumbled.

"Don't speak so much," Ralph advised and took the glass from her hands to refill it.

Her head still felt heavy. The pounding pain in her chest had yet to leave. She felt sick; she wanted...someone to comfort her. She wanted Kazuya...

When Ralph returned with the cup, she immediately grabbed it from him. Lyn took larger gulps this time. She wanted to wash away the sick and the goosebumps in her skin.

"You lied to your brother; you got hurt."