Night Blooming Flowers Part 2

For Lyn, the topic of love was still a foreign subject. She didn't understand it very well. Why do people crave and desire love so much? Despite having dated Kazuya for so long. It was still peculiar to her. Then again, Kazuya was never around, so it was very difficult for her. What she has with Rhys right now is very different. It's something that people looked down on, and yet she doesn't stop him as much anymore.

It didn't take them long before they arrived at the edge of the forest. Lyn clutched onto his clothes tightly. "We shouldn't be here; it's very dangerous."

The forest is unguarded, and the defenses are thin. Usually, something like that wouldn't bother her so much. But with her current condition, she would only get in the way and hinder Rhys.

Rhys squeezed her hands. "It's okay; we will be up there."

Up? Lyn glanced over and spotted something from the corner of her eye. "A ship?"

His lips curved into a smile. "Yeah."