Seventeen Birthday Part 2

Lyn didn't have to wrack her head thinking about it for long since Allen immediately said.

"About the recent events. Now that we are alone, can you explain it to me?"

The recent events? "What are you referring to?" Lyn feigned ignorance.

"Why did you break up with Kazuya when you still have feelings for him?" Allen questioned.

'Truly, what a straightforward and honest guy.' Allen behavior resembles a traditional elite man. But, at the same time, something is different. Allen has changed a bit hasn't he? If it were the past him, he wouldn't have asked her something like this. Lyn didn't reply right away, she had to think of a good response to his question.

Why did she break up with Kazuya when she still has feelings for him? Sure he left her alone a lot and that made her feel lonely. But breaking him up with him over something like that seems so very silly.