

Mist Kingdom- Month J-  Manor Ball 

To change the Kingdom, to change the empire as Lyn was a naive thought. She knew that from the very start.  But ever since her brother took her to the battle field, Lyn has thought this way. If there is something she can do for the people. Her mother is not a bad ruler, even now Lyn thought that way. Neither was the previous King. The only reason why so many people hate her mother is due to her defending the previous King.

What traits does a good leader have? It differs per person. But one of the key characteristics is charisma. A charismatic person

She thinks she may have taken this Princess role a bit lightly.

Lyn thought she understood the meaning of revealing her identity. But it turns out that is not the case after all. Back-to-back meetings, greeting people, inspections and an entire load of paperwork. She never thought she would be this busy.

"This is my favourite song, let's dance."