I have missed you greatly


Lyn examined the item again, could she be wrong? Why would a third class family have one of the Mist Kingdom treasures? Only people among the royal family should have it or the royal family mages. How strange…

"Lyn, I am glad you're here. Do you recognize this?" Kazuya suddenly asked.

She blinked realizing something. So he stole this knowing what it is right?

"The fourth treasure, the jade bracelet."

Rhys raised his eyebrows. "The fourth treasure is jewelry?"

"It isnt normal." Lyn pointed to the center where the jade was very dark. "When this jade lits up, a large amount of magic leaks out. The user can transfer the magic over to their bodies. But it is a double edged sword, anybody can absorb the magic as long as they stand in the light." 

That is why those who absorb the magic make sure to do so in a secluded place. 

"Cant people just absorb the magic before heading out onto the battlefield?"