Peach coloured blossoms

It would not be the first time for Lyn to mess around with him like this. Ever since this girl broke up with Kazuya and spent a lot of time with one another, Rhys has learned more about her. She is more cunning and sly than one would think. Other people see this woman as innocent, but Rhys does not think so at all. If Lyn were innocent, then she would not have been able to go along with this fake relationship. 

Whenever he recalled how their relationship has turned into a more sexual one, Rhys would curse himself. There was nothing wrong with how things were before. Why did he not patiently court her?

Patiently courting, huh? As if he could do something like that. 

A flash of brown appeared in his head. Then again, if that person could do it, why can't he?

Rhys knew that was a weak argument since he differs from Kazuya. What use is there comparing... He paused in mid-thought when he realized something, now that he thought about it.