You want to be mine?

"Hey, why are you still angry?"

"I just recalled it and got mad. Besides, before I say yes. Tell me what you plan to do with that woman from the red light district."

Rhys frowned. "You want to talk about Melissa now?"

"Yes. How do you expect me to agree if your seeing another woman?"

"First of all I hadn't met her in a year. It was only recently during your birthday banquet where I saw her again. Two, she isn't another woman, so don't talk about her like that."

Lyn clenched her fist. 'He is so overprotective of her.' That's annoying.

"Then fine, go to your Melissa." She immediately stood up. 

Rhys however grabbed her wrist. "Hey, I'm not done talking."

"If you're really serious about me then stop meeting other women!" Lyn exclaimed. 

"She isn't like that though."


Red Light District - 10:00am