As long as the situation does not change

Kazuya keeps delaying his return so those people would eventually get suspicious. It would not surprise him if somebody from home came the very next day. What on earth is that idiot doing? Does he not understand that if he doesnt go back, they will come here?

Rhys could not let the Sound Kingdom officials come here. If they saw the current state with Kazuya and him providing their support to the Mist Kingdom royal family… While the elders gave them strict instructions to do whatever they could to regain their trust. Rhys knew it did not involve helping the royal family out with their problems.

"Rhys, I would like to kiss you."

"Huh?" Rhys snapped out of his daze.

"I mean." She laughed shyly. "I heard from the other women that kissing under the moonlight is romantic. Oh we are near the fountain now too."