Red Stained Memories Part

'In that aspect you have not changed at all. That loneliness, grief, suffering, your feeling. Allow me to take it away, this time round allow me to take it away. This time don't reject my offer. Back then I meant it, about wanting to take you away. Though you only saw it as a joke, 'allow me to take you away. Somewhere far away. The air in this place isn't good for you. 

The more ties you have with people. The more you connect yourself with them, the stronger your burden becomes. Lyn, come with me'.

She only saw it as a joke and so he ended up saying it was also. But perhaps back then he could have persuaded her somehow. After all she was already degrading ...

Rhy's thoughts paused in mid thought then. Her condition was already degrading then? Hold on, but that was when she was in middle school. With an illness like hers, it's not possible to have prolonged it to this degree. How come? As these questions rang through his mind, he saw Lyn shift uncomfortably.