Red Stained Memories Part

When she is about to stand up, Rhys tells her there is still dessert. Dessert this early in the morning? Lyn however did not bother questioning him and sat back down. Rhys placed a gentle kiss on her cheeks. 

"What um are you doing?"


T--this is hid idea of a greeting now? What a shameless man. Then again is it not her fault for allowing him to get away with this behaviour. If she used her authority as a Princess, Lyn knew that not even Rhys would try something on her. But the problem is, is that what she wants? Lyn did not know anymore. 

Still, Lyn leaned forward to kiss him back.

"Mm, good girl."

"You need to stop teasing me." Lyn mumbled. "We are already dating, why are you still behaving so shamelessly?"