Not scared of you

After she parted ways with Savaris, Lyn headed to her next destination.

Lyn stood in front of the huge housing ringing the doorbell. The others said he headed to this place. But Her gaze landed on the nameplate 'Asou,' huh. The Asou family were quite famous in the performing arts world. A family of talented actors. Still, it is surprising that Rhys is related to them.

Lyn knew that his family line was quite large, with loads of prestigious famous people. But she hadn't thought it was to this extent. 

If Rhys himself came here to stay with them, then they're not bad people. Rather he probably trusts them more than his parents.

"No one is coming.. I wonder if he's all right. He's not sick in bed, is he? Just as she thought that she spotted somebody from the corner.

Rhys took one look at her and sighed. "Follow me."
