Tale of Rain Part 4

Meanwhile back in the Rain Kingdom

A few days had passed since the girl's father had left. Since then she seldom smiled or reacted to anything. Moreover, he looked at the spacious room with a frown on his face. Where on earth did she disappear to again? It is a good thing that father's women are forbidden to go to these parts. Lyn would be easy prey to them.

'I know she misses her father but she keeps causing me to worry.' Rhys felt very frustrated but knew all he could do was search for her.

He quickly exited the room and turned to the guards that were with him. A few maids kneeling on the ground. "Y--your highness we are very sorry but--"

"Please give us another chance. We are already starting to find her, the others are--"

His gaze dimmed and he turned to the guards on his side. "Find those people and behead them on the spot."

"Wait sir-"

"Throw these ones in the dungeon and torture them."