Tale of Rain Part 10

With a troubled mind Isaki ended up going back to his room in a daze. If the situation is that bad in the Mist Kingdom it would be better for Lyn to remain with them. But soon people will find out about her, she will need an identity to stay with them. The title of Rhys' wife or fiance will do but what if somebody recognizes her? What if they notice? It would reflect poorly on her. She is only six years old too, asking her to stay here would be too much.

His thoughts broke off when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." 

The doors opened and he could not see anybody at first until he looked down. A small girl was trying to push a fairly large trolley. He stood up and walked over to her, taking the trolley from her.


"Ah! Sorry for disturbing. I made some food. I heard that you had not eaten yet."

Isaki chuckled. "I am fine but you can cook?"

"Um a little!"