The Lost Prince Part 4

It seems like Kazuya was right about her and Rhys. Back when she still dated him, Kazuya said something like seeing an invisible thread that linked them together. A thread huh? The ties and relationships others have with each other is exactly like that. A fragile thread that can break at any moment.

Isaki chuckled. "Should I say more?"

"I've heard enough." Lyn struggled to hide her red-stained face with her hands. 

'This is so embarrassing.' Stupid six year old her. What on earth was she thinking? Why did she make such bold sounding statements? Besides by asking all those questions didn't she basically propose to him?

"Princess Lyn, how long have you two been together?"

At the sudden mention of her title. Lyn sensed the sudden change of atmosphere. 'Of course, as his brother, he must be worried.'

"Not long." Lyn took a deep breath. "I was in another relationship for a while."

"I see."