Terrified of losing you

"S-uoh? Uh, why are you-" Lyn felt very puzzled. Why is this man here with a different appearance and different name? Moreover, it looks like he is somebody important here. It contradicts what he told her when they made the contract.

"Katagiri Ryuuko."


"Did you forget about me?" Rhys brushed his lips against her ear.

"N--no but-" How could she forget when he was still holding onto her?

She watched as he looked at the man with a questioning gaze. "One of the judges." She explained vaguely. Lyn wanted to explain properly, but the aura around Rhys was no joke.

It was clear to her that he was not very happy about this situation.

"So this is the one you mentioned, Lyn?"

Lyn nodded. "Ah-huh, did you not suggest to me to get a contract?"

"I did, but did you have to choose one of the judges?"