The Academy

A few months later, at the military academy. Lyn stood and was lead into the classroom. The changes that occurred after her mother's passing were rapid. It seemed the two factions came to an agreement and suggested a dual leadership between her eldest sister and her eldest brother. Her sister would hold the title as Queen but the one with the political power will be her brother. That is the system they came up with a month ago, and now it was the day she would formally enter the academy.

The last few months a lot has happened but Lyn decided to still go through with becoming a student here. This is something her mother wanted her to do.

"Settle down, today we have a transfer student."

All eyes turned to her and Lyn shifted uncomfortably. 'I have gotten to know all types of people in the past year. But this is still too much for me.' She felt her palms turn sweaty and her entire body trembling all over.

"Hey, hey isn't that-"