I have missed you

The amount of stares they received before reaching a quiet spot in the field outside gave her enough anxiety to last a few years. It was a good thing that Rhys was considerate enough to find a quiet place. But even after a few minutes she didn't speak to him.

Truthfully even if Rhys didn't do this whole avoiding thing she would have done it anyway. After the death of her mother she was in a bad state and refused to speak to people, this included Rhys. The strangeness in their relationship didn't just start when she came to the academy.

After she learned that she has known him since she was a child she was delighted. All the confusing feelings she had towards him finally made sense. Even though her memories are vague she can confirm that she knew him then.

She wanted to hear the stories of the last few years, but even with this new found piece of joyful news Lyn knew better than to enjoy it. She is no longer as naive as she once was.